A Unicorn Friend

Amisha Sadana
3 min readOct 3, 2019

Aren’t we all looking for that one Unicorn friend in our life?

But what are we even looking for exactly?

A Companion or someone who just makes us feel a little less alone in this world or someone who helps us to be socially acceptable. Like of course who wants to be alone in this fast-paced world right?

But are we looking for someone out of affection or just because of some loneliness and some insecurity of ours. Don’t you think that is kind of unfair for the other person, even they deserve the same affection and not just to be our Escape of some sort.

Let me tell you all a short story or maybe not so little, after all it sums up my 8-10 years of life. I had this Unicorn friend that everyone so badly wants to have but maybe this only exists in our Fantasy World. Are Unicorns for Real? No, right? So how can we expect something relatable to be real in this World. Not long ago things completely changed for me when I realized that maybe I was living in my own fantasy world and things are not really that good or unicorns don’t really exist. Whom I thought to be my unicorn friend was just someone holding me back from stuff I wanted to do but was not having the courage to maybe or was just too afraid to accept that even I can fail at times. But now I am not afraid of stuff. I don’t hold myself back because maybe when you let go of everything you finally realise that you don’t really have anything to lose now so you can do whatever you want to and that’s good right?

What changed place this world can be only if we can have the feeling of not losing anything even when we have people by our side and do whatever we feel like without putting so much thought into this. Let me make it easy for you ;)

Never put all of you in one person. No one is perfect right, then how can we expect someone to be everything for us, they have their strengths and weaknesses, good or bad days. Different people will bring out different sides of you so let them bring out the different best sides in you. Give them a fair chance without expecting them to be everything for you. Only you are your Unicorn friend who knows you in and out and always keep that in mind.

Like I said earlier, different people that you come across bring different sides of you. I came across few who helped me to be the best of me in different aspects. This New Virtual friend of mine brought out this side of mine where I got into this sudden urge of writing stuff out which I think is really good or if it hadn’t been for that friend, I would have missed this opportunity which bring me internal peace. So you see the pattern here. Let different people come into your life and explore the unexpected which you are too afraid to do otherwise. But don’t let your expectations let you think otherwise, think of people only for the part that they came in your life to play. Nothing more nothing less. Just pure FUN (You know if you know :p).

But one thing that remains CONSTANT through this all is few people in my Life who stick through thick and thin. Everyone else may come and go but you guys know who you are so Thank You.

Moreover, What even life is if not challenging?



Amisha Sadana

I write what I feel people are not ready to speak or listen about. But deep inside everyone believes in.