How can I not fall for him?

Amisha Sadana
1 min readApr 26, 2020


It was 2:30 am that night,

We were laughing way too hard for being just friends.

How can I not fall for him?

No forced conversation, and yet we were going on and on.

How can I not fall for him?

He always acted so bravely, yet every time I talked about watching a horror movie,

he will just convince me with an innocent smile of his to watch something else.

How can I not fall for him?

All the confusing thoughts just start making sense after talking to him.

How can I not fall for him?

My one text of “Hey do you have a minute?”

Always gets a reply in seconds.

How can I not fall for him?

He always convinces me that life will turn around the way I want.

How can I not fall for him?

No one ever made me feel like even I can be loved. But he did.

How can I not fall for him?



Amisha Sadana

I write what I feel people are not ready to speak or listen about. But deep inside everyone believes in.