Is it just ME?

Amisha Sadana
3 min readApr 7, 2020


Is it me OR Does everyone feel

  • like giving up?
  • that constant pressure of being the best at what you are doing?
  • like you are all over the place?
  • like no one is there to support you or listen?
  • that you need to get out of this quarantine having some new skill no matter what?
  • like you are doing a lot of work but not really accomplishing anything?
  • like you are getting even more away from your goals or worst you do not even know what you really want to accomplish?

We do come across a lot of questions like this every day. No answer is perfect for these. Trust me I tried finding all the possible answers for these.

I know these are tough times. With all the Global Pandemic that we are facing. No one was prepared for any of this. And this Lockdown in the whole country. I don’t know if this lockdown is really Good or Bad? Maybe it’s Good as everyone is getting all this time to spend at their own houses with their families. Plus you are getting this break from your regular routine or some change from the corporate world. But now coming to the bad side. People are becoming more anxious sitting in the same corner of their room. The worst part is people are not able to talk about their anxieties with their families.

Everyone is talking about how to get better with Work from Home. What different tips and tricks to be followed to increase productivity? Even I did a few days back on Win a WAR against work from home. But no one is talking about the other impacts this lockdown is having on all of us. It’s not easy to sit in your room the whole day with zero accomplishments, to sit around without being able to focus on one thing. All the Negative thoughts about your life start piling up while sitting without any purpose. This lockdown is bringing all this Extra time for people.

I know everyone says that focus on positive things around. Set a goal and work towards it. You will feel better. But the point is all this makes no sense when you are in Chaos. You don’t look for a hell-bent positive talk. Sometimes you just feel like venting everything out. You just wish that someone can just listen to what is going in your mind. Not always you look for solutions from someone. You can solve the problem on your own. But a little bit of support and encouragement can do wonders.

Everyone has their own way of dealing with stress or anxiety and coping up with difficult situations. I am a no expert in Psychology but it just happens to be one of my strong suits. I deal with my situations by writing stuff out and sometimes by talking to someone who can understand my situation. Because that’s the difficult part of talking, you need to find someone who can really understand. So, Writing helps me to calm myself down mostly. For you maybe it’s talking to your family or friends. Maybe you just lie down in your room and play some music. Well, what I am trying to say here is that everyone goes through a lot of shit in their everyday lives. If you know someone who is not doing fine, try talking to them more and interact more with them. It’s nothing Wrong in showing people that you CARE. The world needs that now more than ever.

There are a lot of Negative aspects of love and showing that you care (we will talk about this sometime later). But the truth is these words only bring Hope around. Nothing Cheers me up like having a good deep conversation with someone who understands me and actually listens to me. So, I will say “Spread Love”, tell people you care, talk to them like not only just talk but a real-talk. This will really make a difference in your life and the ones around you.

Trying to Spread HAPPINESS around :)

Love Amisha :*



Amisha Sadana

I write what I feel people are not ready to speak or listen about. But deep inside everyone believes in.