Will it ever END or…?

Amisha Sadana
2 min readFeb 29, 2020

We always ask ourselves the same question every now and then that “Will it ever end?”

The constant Pain that we feel inside.

The never ending feeling of being left alone.

The feeling when you get stabbed in the back.

The disappointment you face when you fail to achieve your goal by 10%.

The constant realization of never being enough.

The feeling of always being the second option.

I know the list goes on and on and all these feelings are legit. We all feel one thing or the other on an everyday basis and there is nothing wrong in having to feel bad at one point or another. The real problem arises when this feeling sticks with you and never goes away. The thought is quite Haunting, Right? Well, trust me I know. But can we blame someone for feeling this way, I don’t think so.

No matter how hard you try to fit in or to sort things out for yourself. Something will always hold you back. That something can be the regret or guilt from some past incident or break-up. Trust me no one is to be blamed for the things you feel because you are in this situation because of your own mindset.

Sometimes just sometimes you do get tired of being the strong mature person that you pretend to be and for once want to act like a young, carefree, pampered or spoiled college student that people your age behave like or thats what I heard they behave like. I know not everyone in life is lucky enough to have someone who can pamper them but I guess that’s what Life is- “UNPREDICTABLE yet beautiful”. So what if there is no one to pamper or spoil you. Do it for yourself.




Amisha Sadana

I write what I feel people are not ready to speak or listen about. But deep inside everyone believes in.